Wood is a natural, healthy, resilient material, c?lido, comfortable, higi?nico and, if you take care properly, can be very durable. If you have the opportunity to enjoy of a wooden house, you interesar? know pr?cticos tips for learning how to care for her and to make a ?nica housing and special wood is the material ?nico of natural and renewable construcci?n. If you've decided to buy a House of wood, don't forget that s?lo has not acquired a habitable space different from the rest of the socialized humanity, you've chosen a way of life long m?s healthy and consistent with the environment.Since ancient times, the man used wood as construcci?n sure m?s element, however today d?a it is not so much. Some adventurers and country chosen to build a House of wood out of the polluted and stressful environment of the city to spend their time relaxing m?s and change the modern traditional and natural.
Advantages of woodYou need to know to build a habitable place of wood is the best idea you can develop for your free d?as because it has insulating properties, i.e., the wood solid a?sla approximately 7 times m?s brick and energ?tico consumption is much less tambi?n. Adem?s, regularized the internal environment humidity to stabilize, filtering and purifying the air, and thus prevents diseases in humans due to the humidity which emits a sick with consequences such as rheumatism and respiratory deficiencies building. In short, it is advisable and safe m?s that a current brick house.Not to say there is to be a living material, is as if transported you to your ra?ces m?s primitive and original because it allows you to be in constant v?nculo with nature.And if you are one of those who search silence, tranquility, restlessness and solitude, you have well chosen material to build your House that the wood has properties ac?sticas special, different from the rest of the elements of construcci?n absorbing a significant portion of the energ?a of the waves is, reduci?ndolas to the m?nimo. The result is a quiet House that helps eliminate the estr?s of its inhabitants.
Advice pr?cticosIf it is the first time you purchase a House of wood, you should find out attitudes that inside it you should avoid to not suffer fatal consequences.In Espa?a do not have any general rules applicable to this type of housing, why the best ser? you go to the relevant City Council in the area to which he belongs so that they give you the necessary permissions to install your new and natural home.So the cimentaci?n of the House is safe, and effective it advisable to m?s and econ?mico ser? put it on blocks prefabricated stuffed from hormig?n to deber?s, in turn, put on some shoes. Adem?s, as you know that the House deber? have some ventilaci?n to prevent moisture, is mandatory to raise it as m?nimo to 20 cm of soil.You must be prepared for the water, snow, the fr?o, the calor? on the Sun that produces an effect fotodegradaci?n by ultraviolet radiaci?n that emits it becomes a primary destructive agent for wood. To avoid this problem, never forget to apply on the outside of your construcci?n a ?protector of wood to pore abierto?, which est? made especially with colloidal pigments of tama?o much lower than the micronized and permitir? which penetrate deeply in such way that the protecci?n is guaranteed. Ideally, once to the a?o you to remember to keep this h?bito.If the construcci?n and the subsequent care and maintenance of the housing is in line with the precise instructions, a wooden house may have the same duraci?n a house built in the middle of the city although it has a plus: quality of life.
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